

    AGRIFUL permeates the area of the roots by drip irrigation, spraying, injection or application in the plant bed using a garden sprayer or fumigation equipment that ensures product permeation in the root system.
    Its use is recommended during the whole vegetative cycle – transplantation, vegetative development, germination, blossoming and development of the plant organs, as well as for overcoming stress situations. It is intended for all kinds of cultures: horticultures, fruits, citrus fruits, vines, flowers, ornamentals etc.


    AGRIFUL ANTISAL permeates the area of the roots by drip irrigation, spraying, injection or application in the plant bed using a garden sprayer or fumigation equipment that ensures product permeation in the root system.

    Its use is recommended during the whole vegetative cycle – transplantation, vegetative development, germination, blossoming and development of the plant organs, as well as for overcoming stress situations. It is intended for all kinds of cultures: horticultures, fruits, citrus fruits, vines, flowers, ornamentals etc.


    ¿Qué es?

    Corrector de deficiencias de cobre a base de cobre complejado con ácido glucónico. Potencia la absorción del cobre y su traslocación en la planta.


    ¿Para qué sirve?

    Formulación líquida de cobre complejado con ácidos orgánicos de bajo peso molecular, por lo que se mejora la absorción y traslocación del cobre en la planta con la misma estabilidad que ofrece los quelatos de EDTA.
    El cobre activa multitud de enzimas, estabiliza la clorofila, participa en el metabolismo de las proteínas y de los carbohidratos y en la fijación de nitrógeno atmosférico.


    ¿Qué es?

    Bioestimulante a base de potasio y boro para el desarrollo cualitativo del fruto, con sacáridos y moléculas precursoras de factores de maduración.


    ¿Para qué sirve?

    Impulsa el desarrollo del fruto, incrementa el tamaño de la fruta así como el color y el contenido de azucares, provocando una mejora cualitativa de los parámetros comerciales de los frutos.


    ¿Qué es?

    Enraizante muy rico en múltiples substancias beneficiosas para estimular el aumento rápido de raíces como aminoácidos, sacáridos, vitaminas, macro y micro elementos, extracto de algas y extractos vegetales, etc.


    ¿Para qué sirve?

    Elevado poder enraizante. Formulado específicamente para favorecer la propagación de plántulas en semilleros y una rápida recuperación post-trasplante. Estimula el desarrollo de pelos radiculares absorbentes.


    TECAMIN MAX: Its use is recommended during the whole vegetative cycle with sufficient receptive foliar area from the transplantation, vegetative development of plant organs, emergence of shoots, blossoming up to appearance of plant organs for crop, as well as for overcoming stress situations. The product is intended for all kinds of cultures: vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, vines, flowers, ornamentals etc.


    TECAMIN RAIZ permeates the area of the roots by drip irrigation, spraying, micro-spraying, injection or application in the plant bed using a garden sprayer or spraying equipment with nozzles for application of fertilizers, which ensure permeation of fertilizers in the root system.

    It is recommended to apply the product whenever required to assist the development of the root system, the seeds, seedlings or the critical period of transplantation, and in plantations created after a period of root system damage due to flood, draught, salts, diseases, vermin etc.

    It is intended for all types of cultures: fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits, vines, flowers, ornamentals etc.